This is a step by step android CRUD tutorial where we’ll create an Android application that demonstrates Android’s SQLite database capabilities.
Operations such as create, read, update and delete (CRUD) in Android is an essential skill every aspiring Android developer must have.
In this post, we will cover the following contents:
1.0 Source Code Output
2.0 Create a record in Android SQLite Database
3.0 Count records from Android SQLite Database
4.0 Read records from Android SQLite Database
5.0 Update a record in Android SQLite Database
6.0 Delete a record in Android SQLite Database
7.0 Download Source Code
8.0 What’s Next?
9.0 Notes
1.0 Source Code Output
We have to know where are we heading.
1.1 LEVEL 1 Source Code Output
2.0 Create a record in Android SQLite Database
This will answer your question about how to create a record in Android SQLite database.
2.1 Place a “Create Student” button
2.1.1 Put a “Create Student” button on your res/layout/activity_main.xml
2.1.2 Remove the “Hello World!” TextView there
2.1.3 Make button text to “Create Student”
2.1.4 Make button id value to “@+id/buttonCreateStudent”
Code should look like the following.
<Button android:id="@+id/buttonCreateStudent" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_alignParentLeft="true" android:layout_alignParentTop="true" android:text="Create Student" />
2.2 Put an OnClickListener for the button
2.2.1 We will set up the OnClickListener of the “Create Student” button.
2.2.2 We can identify the button by its ID “buttonCreateStudent”
2.2.3 The following code will be placed inside the onCreate() method, under setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); code of your java/ file.
Button buttonCreateStudent = (Button) findViewById(; buttonCreateStudent.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListenerCreateStudent());
2.3 Create a listener class “”
2.3.1 Right click on your package name > click “New” > click “Java Class” > put the name “OnClickListenerCreateStudent” > click “OK”
2.3.2 Remove the default code except the first line (your package code).
2.3.2 Put the following code on
import android.view.View; public class OnClickListenerCreateStudent implements View.OnClickListener { @Override public void onClick(View view) { } }
2.4 Prepare your student input form
2.4.1 Right click on your res/layout/ directory > Click “New” > Click “File” > Name it “student_input_form.xml”
2.4.2 Put the following code inside student_input_form.xml
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" > <EditText android:id="@+id/editTextStudentFirstname" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_alignParentLeft="true" android:layout_alignParentTop="true" android:hint="Student Firstname" android:singleLine="true" > <requestFocus /> </EditText> <EditText android:id="@+id/editTextStudentEmail" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_alignParentLeft="true" android:layout_below="@+id/editTextStudentFirstname" android:hint="Student Email" android:singleLine="true" /> </RelativeLayout>
2.5 Show the “create form” to user
2.5.1 Go back and open your “”
2.5.2 Get the application context, this is needed to inflate an XML layout file. Put the following code inside the onClick() method.
Context context = view.getRootView().getContext();
2.5.3 Inflate the student_input_form.xml, this will make UI elements or widgets accessible using code. Put the following code after the code in 2.5.2
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); final View formElementsView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.student_input_form, null, false);
2.5.4 List down form widgets inside student_input_form.xml as “final” variables. This is because we will use them inside an AlertDialog. Put the following code after the code in 2.5.3
final EditText editTextStudentFirstname = (EditText) formElementsView.findViewById(; final EditText editTextStudentEmail = (EditText) formElementsView.findViewById(;
2.5.5 Create an AlertDialog with the inflated student_input_form.xml and an “Add” button. Put the following code after the code in 2.5.4
new AlertDialog.Builder(context) .setView(formElementsView) .setTitle("Create Student") .setPositiveButton("Add", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { dialog.cancel(); } }).show();
2.5.5 Try to run. The following image should be the output when you clicked the “Create Student” button.
2.6 Save user input
2.6.1 Inside the AlertDialog’s “Add” onClick() method, we will save the record.
2.6.2 Get the user inputted values using the following code. Put them inside the AlertDialog’s “Add” onClick() method
String studentFirstname = editTextStudentFirstname.getText().toString(); String studentEmail = editTextStudentEmail.getText().toString();
2.6.3 We’re actually using an OOP approach here. Create a new “” file with properties “firstname” and “email”. Put the following code inside file.
public class ObjectStudent { int id; String firstname; String email; public ObjectStudent(){ } }
2.6.4 Going back to AlertDialog’s “Add” onClick() method, set the input values as a object, so we can save it to the database.
ObjectStudent objectStudent = new ObjectStudent(); objectStudent.firstname= studentFirstname; studentEmail;
2.6.5 Create a new “” file. This file will handle all the SQLite database connection. It will have the following code.
public class DatabaseHandler extends SQLiteOpenHelper { private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1; protected static final String DATABASE_NAME = "StudentDatabase"; public DatabaseHandler(Context context) { super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION); } @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { String sql = "CREATE TABLE students " + "( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + "firstname TEXT, " + "email TEXT ) "; db.execSQL(sql); } @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { String sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS students"; db.execSQL(sql); onCreate(db); } }
2.6.6 Create new “” file, extending the DatabaseHandler. This file will control all the operations related to the student’s table. It will have the following code.
public class TableControllerStudent extends DatabaseHandler { public TableControllerStudent(Context context) { super(context); } }
2.6.7 Do the create() method for creating new record. The following method is inside TableControllerStudent class.
public boolean create(ObjectStudent objectStudent) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("firstname", objectStudent.firstname); values.put("email",; SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); boolean createSuccessful = db.insert("students", null, values) > 0; db.close(); return createSuccessful; }
2.6.8 Go back inside the AlertDialog of file and call the create() method of TableControllerStudent class.
boolean createSuccessful = new TableControllerStudent(context).create(objectStudent);
2.6.9 Tell the user whether insert was a success or failure. We will use Android Toast to do this task.
if(createSuccessful){ Toast.makeText(context, "Student information was saved.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }else{ Toast.makeText(context, "Unable to save student information.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }
2.6.10 Try to run. You should be able to see a toast message and create a record.
3.0 Count records from Android SQLite Database
3.1 On your res/layout/activity_main.xml, place a TextView under your “Create Student” button.
<TextView android:id="@+id/textViewRecordCount" android:gravity="center" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_below="@+id/buttonCreateStudent" android:text="0 records found" android:padding="1dp" />
3.2 On your file, create a countRecords() method
public void countRecords() { }
3.3 On your, create a count() method.
public int count() { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); String sql = "SELECT * FROM students"; int recordCount = db.rawQuery(sql, null).getCount(); db.close(); return recordCount; }
3.4 Go back to your > countRecords() method and call the count() method you just created.
int recordCount = new TableControllerStudent(this).count();
3.5 Display the count to the text view.
TextView textViewRecordCount = (TextView) findViewById(; textViewRecordCount.setText(recordCount + " records found.");
3.6 On your > onCreate() method, call the countRecords() method.
3.7 On your > inside AlertDialog, also call the countRecords() method. This will change the count value everytime a new record was created.
3.8 Try to run. Output should look like the following.
4.0 Read records from Android SQLite Database
4.1 On your activity_main.xml, put a ScrollView with LinearLayout inside. Put the following code under the TextView textViewRecordCount.
<ScrollView android:id="@+id/scrollViewRecords" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_below="@+id/textViewRecordCount" > <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/linearLayoutRecords" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="vertical" > </LinearLayout> </ScrollView>
4.2 On your, create a read() method.
public List<ObjectStudent> read() { List<ObjectStudent> recordsList = new ArrayList<ObjectStudent>(); String sql = "SELECT * FROM students ORDER BY id DESC"; SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(sql, null); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { int id = Integer.parseInt(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("id"))); String studentFirstname = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("firstname")); String studentEmail = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("email")); ObjectStudent objectStudent = new ObjectStudent(); = id; objectStudent.firstname = studentFirstname; = studentEmail; recordsList.add(objectStudent); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); db.close(); return recordsList; }
4.3 On your, create the readRecords() method. This will display database records to user interface.
public void readRecords() { LinearLayout linearLayoutRecords = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; linearLayoutRecords.removeAllViews(); List<ObjectStudent> students = new TableControllerStudent(this).read(); if (students.size() > 0) { for (ObjectStudent obj : students) { int id =; String studentFirstname = obj.firstname; String studentEmail =; String textViewContents = studentFirstname + " - " + studentEmail; TextView textViewStudentItem= new TextView(this); textViewStudentItem.setPadding(0, 10, 0, 10); textViewStudentItem.setText(textViewContents); textViewStudentItem.setTag(Integer.toString(id)); linearLayoutRecords.addView(textViewStudentItem); } } else { TextView locationItem = new TextView(this); locationItem.setPadding(8, 8, 8, 8); locationItem.setText("No records yet."); linearLayoutRecords.addView(locationItem); } }
4.4 Call readRecords() method on your > onCreate() method
4.5 On your > inside AlertDialog, call the readRecords() method as well, so it will refresh the list every time we add new record.
((MainActivity) context).readRecords();
4.6 Try to run. Output should look like the following.
5.0 Update a record in Android SQLite Database
5.1 Create new file. We will use long click to give user an update option.
public class OnLongClickListenerStudentRecord implements OnLongClickListener { @Override public boolean onLongClick(View view) { return false; } }
5.2 Set the OnLongClickListener for each of the display records. Go to your > readRecords() method, inside the ‘for’ loop, put the following code under the textViewStudentItem.setTag(Integer.toString(id)); code.
textViewStudentItem.setOnLongClickListener(new OnLongClickListenerStudentRecord());
5.3 Go back to your file, set the following as class variables
Context context; String id;
5.4 Put the following code inside the onLongClick() method.
context = view.getContext(); id = view.getTag().toString();
5.5 Add an AlertDialog with simple list view for ‘Edit’ and ‘Delete’ options. Put the following code below 5.4
final CharSequence[] items = { "Edit", "Delete" }; new AlertDialog.Builder(context).setTitle("Student Record") .setItems(items, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int item) { dialog.dismiss(); } }).show();
5.6 Try to run. Output should look like the following.
5.7 Inside the onClick() method of AlertDialog in section 5.5, put the following code. “Edit” has an item index of 0.
if (item == 0) { editRecord(Integer.parseInt(id)); }
5.8 On your, add the following editRecord() method.
public void editRecord(final int studentId) { }
5.9 Inside the editRecord() method, we will use the following code to read single record. Data will be used to fill up the student form for updating it.
final TableControllerStudent tableControllerStudent = new TableControllerStudent(context); ObjectStudent objectStudent = tableControllerStudent.readSingleRecord(studentId);
5.10 On your, add the following method readSingleRecord() code.
public ObjectStudent readSingleRecord(int studentId) { ObjectStudent objectStudent = null; String sql = "SELECT * FROM students WHERE id = " + studentId; SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(sql, null); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { int id = Integer.parseInt(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("id"))); String firstname = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("firstname")); String email = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("email")); objectStudent = new ObjectStudent(); = id; objectStudent.firstname = firstname; = email; } cursor.close(); db.close(); return objectStudent; }
5.11 Going back to > editRecrod() method, inflate student_input_form.xml, this time we will use it for updating a record.
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); final View formElementsView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.student_input_form, null, false);
5.12 List down form elements. Put the following code under the code in section 5.11
final EditText editTextStudentFirstname = (EditText) formElementsView.findViewById(; final EditText editTextStudentEmail = (EditText) formElementsView.findViewById(;
5.13 Set single record values to the EditText form elements. Put the following code under the code in section 5.12
editTextStudentFirstname.setText(objectStudent.firstname); editTextStudentEmail.setText(;
5.14 Show an AlertDialog with the form and single record filling it up. Put the following code under the code in section 5.13
new AlertDialog.Builder(context) .setView(formElementsView) .setTitle("Edit Record") .setPositiveButton("Save Changes", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { dialog.cancel(); } }).show();
5.15 Inside the AlertDialog > onClick() method, create the object with the updated value. We are still in the editRecord() method.
ObjectStudent objectStudent = new ObjectStudent(); = studentId; objectStudent.firstname = editTextStudentFirstname.getText().toString(); = editTextStudentEmail.getText().toString();
5.16 Update the record and tell the user whether it was updated or not. Put the following code under the code in section 5.15
boolean updateSuccessful = tableControllerStudent.update(objectStudent); if(updateSuccessful){ Toast.makeText(context, "Student record was updated.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }else{ Toast.makeText(context, "Unable to update student record.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }
5.17 On your, add the update() method.
public boolean update(ObjectStudent objectStudent) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("firstname", objectStudent.firstname); values.put("email",; String where = "id = ?"; String[] whereArgs = { Integer.toString( }; SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); boolean updateSuccessful = db.update("students", values, where, whereArgs) > 0; db.close(); return updateSuccessful; }
5.18 Refresh the count and record list. Put the following code under the code in section 5.16
((MainActivity) context).countRecords(); ((MainActivity) context).readRecords();
5.19 Try to run. The output should look like the following.
6.0 Delete a record in Android SQLite Database
6.1 Go to your > onLongClick() method > inside the AlertDialog onClick() method. Put the following code after the first if statement.
else if (item == 1) { boolean deleteSuccessful = new TableControllerStudent(context).delete(Integer.parseInt(id)); if (deleteSuccessful){ Toast.makeText(context, "Student record was deleted.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }else{ Toast.makeText(context, "Unable to delete student record.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } ((MainActivity) context).countRecords(); ((MainActivity) context).readRecords(); }
6.2 Go back to your and add the following delete code.
public boolean delete(int id) { boolean deleteSuccessful = false; SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); deleteSuccessful = db.delete("students", "id ='" + id + "'", null) > 0; db.close(); return deleteSuccessful; }
7.0 Download Source Code
You can get the source code by following the whole, well detailed tutorial above. But isnโt it more convenient if you can just download the complete source code we used, and play around it?
Thereโs a small fee in getting the complete source code, it is small compared to the:
โ Value or skill upgrade it can bring you, or | YES |
โ Income you can get from your Android app project or business. | YES |
โ Precious time you save. | YES |
โ Expert advice you can get from me, just in case you have any questions with the code. | YES |
For a limited time, I will give you the source code for a low price. DOWNLOAD THE SOURCE CODE LEVEL you desire by clicking its the BUY button below.
7.1 Download the LEVEL 1 Source Code
Source code developed in Android Studio | YES |
Create record | YES |
Read product | YES |
Update product | YES |
Delete product | YES |
Read single record | YES |
Count records | YES |
Easy to understand UI | YES |
Free source code update | YES |
Free email support ( for 6 months | YES |
Let me know if you have any questions. If this Android CRUD Tutorial helps you, please like or share it to your friends! Thanks!
8.0 What’s Next?
Today we have learned how to create, read, update and delete a record from Android SQLite database.
Did you know that you can do the same using text files? Read our next tutorial: Working with Text Files in Android
9.0 Notes
Important note:
If you found a problem with this code, we can solve it faster via Email or FB message, please send me a message via email, or via our official Facebook page! Thank you!
108 responses to “Android SQLite Database CRUD Tutorial with Example Application”
Thanks so much for the great tutorial! I have successfully develop a new Assets Management Systems apps with SQLite db based on this tutorial for my office project. Keep sharing and helping those newbie like me! XOXO
Wow, thanks Tim! I’m glad that someone find this post useful. Good luck with your other projects! :)
hx a lot
you’re welcome @AhmedMe!
nice tutorial dude… its very helpful for me..
Wow, glad it helped you @8b4cc012196d1af940a93147766cd38c:disqus!
good post..
Thanks @sahilmohali:disqus!
Thanks great tutorial. I have a problem by delete.the number of records don’t decrease. By adding a new item it starts with 2. not with 1. Please what can I do to fix this…
Hi @772bc1fda1d03a2bda0f63f15d5a40e0:disqus, what does you logcat says? any error messages? or you can use a smaller piece of code to test, like this one
Hi I would like to change the text color or the background color by click on the item. I guess Ishould do something with the public class TextViewLocationItemOnClickListener implements OnClickListener … onClick… change background… I was searching for solutions but I don’t find one… I don’t won’t to use list view and work with cursor… Is there anybody how can help me?
Hi @Christian, you’re correct, you just have to implement an OnClickListener and on the onClick(View v) method, you can do something like v.setBackgroundColor…
Very interesting tutorial! But there is an error in the program.
When you need to update an any item of the database (not the last one), after you click Edit you see not the correct values for edited item in the Edit form. The program picks values from the last created item but not from the item you need. I guess the error in getLocation method. You move the cursor to the first db item, but the cursor must be moved to the db item selected by fieldLocationId.
Thanks for pointing that out @79104e1d41701c0b29a1d7bce793dcfe:disqus! That’s certainly a bug, I forgot to include a WHERE clause to get the proper record. I updated the code a bit. Thanks again!
Awesome tutorial.
Glad this was helpful to you @e68ff74f09e46deb53ef31d3bac15675:disqus!
WOW dude this tutorial is so great <3 <3
just have some correction in here
String studentFirstname = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("studentFirstname"));
String studentEmail = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("studentEmail"));
ObjectStudent objectStudent = new ObjectStudent(); = id;
objectStudent.studentFirstname = studentFirstname;
objectStudent.studentEmail = studentEmail;
String studentFirstname = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("firstname"));
String studentEmail = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("email"));
ObjectStudent objectStudent = new ObjectStudent(); = id;
objectStudent.firstname = studentFirstname; = studentEmail;
Glad you liked and followed this tutorial @choyno! Wow, thanks for pointing out a correction, I’ll update the post! :)
Hi guys,
On which file do I put this code:
ObjectStudent objectStudent = new ObjectStudent(); = id;
objectStudent.firstname = studentFirstname; = studentEmail
I have followed step by step so far and I am stuck here as I am not sure where to put this code. when I run the code on the “second run it” I got recordCount ZERO. Which means I am not writing to anything to the database as I am not getting a count of something I have entered into the database.
Thank you
and much awesome if you teacher us how to use getters and setters in your object <3 <3
@choyno: We didn’t have to use getters and setters in this case since we can assign the value this way:
objectStudent.firstname = firstname;
and access the value this way:
String firstname = objectStudent.firstname;
and much awesome if you teach us how to use getters and setters in your object <3 <3
This tutorial is awesome! Some mistakes or incomplete methods arguments but it’s ok. In fact, it’s better because I can understand what is happening. Thank you so much!
Glad it helped @Tito Leiva, thanks for your awesome and honest comment. I will continue to improve this post and make things clearer for the readers like you. :)
Hi ! how can i I do If the user not insert data in form and click the data is not added and give the hint please insert the required fields, waiting your prompt response
Hello @risk_taker:disqus , do you mean the form validation? For example the user did not enter anything and clicked the save button?
Hi, great tutorial. Do you have any idea how do i link the input data i have from the table to generate an XY chart using android’s aChartEngine? I’m using the first example.
Hello @disqus_DAIVsdOvYX:disqus, sorry but I haven’t tried the aChartEngine yet, but basically you just have to capture its onclicklistener and execute the insert command… (sorry for the late reply too…)
Thank you so so much!!
It’s very clear and really helpful, thanks for your great tutorial!
Hello there @Bee, I’m glad our tutorial was clear enough and helpful to you!
The archive accompanied with the article looks to be damaged. Cannot open it. Could you please re-download the complete source code.
Hi @Veniamin, thanks for letting me know! It’s fixed now.
Thanks Its really helping.
Glad it helped you @disqus_Pyf9UX8c4Y:disqus!
can I connect to sql server ?
Shay, I haven’t tried that yet, but I think, what you are trying to do is all about web services… you can search for JSON too…
I’ve been trying to understand and use SQLite for so many months with nothing but confusion. This tutorial is by far the easiest to understand and I’ve even learned a few more OOP tricks in Java from how well put together this example it is. ๅฅฝๅๅฎณ! Thanks for your efforts, difficult to search for such good tutorials in China without Google.
Hi there @Raylite, thanks for the kind words! I’m very glad to help you there in China! :D
Hello and thank you for this tutorial! I have done everything as you mentioned in the descriptions but encountered a problem. The update functionality does not work. When i debug and check the contents, it always returns the id as -1. What do you think the problem is? Problem solved, I had a small mistake in my code.
Glad you solved it @youssefechcherifelkettani:disqus, would you tell us what was your solution? Thanks man!
so is update working for you now? I was following steps through 5.7 and the pop up is not popping up.
Acutally, I thought I had clicked and held but I didn’t know I needed to hold longer until the pop up came up.
Note: onlongclick means have to click and hold on text until item pops up, not just clicking on it and expecting it to pop up.
error on bold text;
package com.test;
public class ObjectStudent {
int id;
String firstname;
String email;
public ObjectStudent(){
ObjectStudent objectStudent = new ObjectStudent();
objectStudent.studentFirstname = studentFirstname;
objectStudent.studentEmail = studentEmail;
Hello bee, thanks for reporting this, I’ll look into it and update the post above and send the fixes.
error in bold txt!
new AlertDialog.Builder(context)
.setTitle(“Create Student”)
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
String studentFirstname = editTextStudentFirstname.getText().toString();
String studentEmail = editTextStudentEmail.getText().toString();
boolean createSuccessful = new TableControllerStudent(context).create(objectStudent);
Toast.makeText(context, “Student information was saved.”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Toast.makeText(context, “Unable to save student information.”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Hi Mike your tutorial is really helpful, I am really grateful for this.
But I have found a tiny error which is in the section 6.1 > onLongClick() method > inside the AlertDialog onClick() method.
The last sentence in the second line:
boolean deleteSuccessful = new TableControllerStudent(context).delete(id);
it cannot work and it needed to be written like this:
boolean deleteSuccessful = new TableControllerStudent(context).delete(Integer.parseInt(id));
That way I can run the app successfully.
Thank you so much for this tutorial, i created my SIS that is required in my subject, thank you so much, it really help a lot :3
You’re welcome @etheltadz17:disqus, glad to help! Just curious, what does SIS mean?
it means student information system sir :3
hope that you have a search tutorial :3 thank you sir :3
student information system sir :3
hope that you have a search tutorial :3
thank you sir :)
Thank you so much, it really helped me a lot, though I have encountered errors but I definitely pulled it out. Thank you very much, after two weeks of working on my project finding the best sqlite tutorial, this is the best so far, two weeks of searching and almost losing hope, but when i found this site it gives back hope to keep on going w/ my school project. Thank you very much sir! :3 ^_^
Wow, thanks for the kind words and you’re welcome @etheltadz17:disqus! Glad to know our tutorial has been very helpful to you!
nice tutorial working fine….easy to understand
Hello @Pravin, thanks for the kind words! Glad to help you with your task. :)
Hi, thank you so much for this tutorials, everything work great except that I can’t get to edit and delete, which under Update a record in Android SQLite Database. After adding new record, we suppose to able to click the record to able to update and delete? Thanks.
Its okay, my bad. I manage to do it already, but anyway is there any method to call the readRecords(); method to another activity? It seems that I’m able to use the countRecords(); method on another activity but not readRecords();
Any tutorials on passing data to another activity would be nice. Thanks
Hello @Lee, you’re welcome! About your question, you should be able to ‘long click’ a record so the ‘edit’ and ‘delete’ option will show.
@Lee, you can import the MainActivity class to be able to use the readRecords(); method, as written above:
((MainActivity) context).countRecords();
((MainActivity) context).readRecords();
Hi. your tutorial is helped me a lot. i am trying to use your tutorial in my assignment. but i am having problem with calling readRecord() since my mainActivity extends fragment. so this code ((mainActivity) context).readRecords(); can’t be use. is there any way for me to call readRecords? i can’t change “extends fragment” because it will ruin my others codes. tq in advance :)
Hello @nur, thanks for your good feedback! You can try putting in in a different class and call it from there just like what we did in tableControllerStudent.update(objectStudent);
to display it i need to call readRecord at alertdialog only or also need to call in mainActivity?
@nur, you can call the mainActivity inside an AlertDialog
sir, how to add search fitur using your project??
Hello @disqus_c2C7V1qbWJ:disqus, we’ll add that feature in the future, thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Hello, Where I need to put the count records inside the AlertDialog?
error on edit can you explain why? but the rest is fine
Hello @ryanjaya:disqus , would you share your error or logcat messages?
Thank you so much for this great tutorial! It helped a lot but I’m still stuck and get error (after trying everything and days after days) with: linearLayoutRecords.removeAllViews(); and linearLayoutRecords.addView(locationItem); in public void readRecords(). Could you please help me? Thanks again :) !!
Hello @Patrick, you’re welcome! About your error, would you show us what your logcat message says?
Hi there, I am doing a school project and I hope that you are able to help me asap:) Is there anything wrong with this code? Because I could not insert any values inside even though it shows a toast that says “Student information was saved”. Please help, thank you!
new AlertDialog.Builder(context)
.setTitle(“Create Student”)
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
String studentFirstname = editTextStudentFirstname.getText().toString();
String studentEmail = editTextStudentEmail.getText().toString();
ObjectStudent objectStudent = new ObjectStudent();
objectStudent.firstname= studentFirstname; studentEmail;
boolean createSuccessful = new TableControllerStudent(context).create(objectStudent);
Toast.makeText(context, “Student information was saved.”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Toast.makeText(context, “Unable to save student information.”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Hello @disqus_0GwogDCNCy:disqus , how did you know the record was not inserted? If createSuccessful is true, record must be inserted. Please try to verify your ‘read’ code if it works properly.
What do you mean by verify the read codes? Sorry im a noob in this!
I meant you need to make sure you retrieve something from the database. You can try something like this:
Hey thanks for the great tutorial, but the only problem was the delete method should take a parameter of type String as you declared id as a string in section 5.3. Apart from that it worked!
Hello @lewisfitzgerald:disqus , thanks for the kind words! I made section 6.1 code to:
boolean deleteSuccessful = new TableControllerStudent(context).delete(Integer.parseInt(id));
Let me know if that works too!
Thanks that works too.
Thanks you so much for the GREAT Tutorial…
You’re welcome @pratamadarief:disqus ! Please share our site to one of your friends if you have time!
I have question, when recordcount = 1, buttonCreateStudent disable.
what should I do?
Hello @pratamadarief:disqus , you can try the following code:
Thank you very much. It’s very useful. I’m a php and c# developer. Now i wanted to learn android. i have tried in many CRUD from many other pages. But it has not work or i had not understand. But this was page is very help full to me. I’m not very well in english, but have understand this CRUD thanks a lot.
Thanks for the kind words and you’re welcome @disqus_bSuAwY1xlG:disqus, please share our site to one of your friends if you have time, thank you!
it looks absolutely brilliant. A suggestion: Can you also make some with retrofit ?
Please Help!!!
I follow the instructions meticulously, but as soon as I add the countRecords() and ((MainActivity) context).readRecords(); to the – in steps 3.7 and 4.5 respectively, the app fails when the “Add” button is clicked
If I remove them, the app does not fail when the “Add” button is clicked and therefore the TextView’s are not refreshed.
I’ve been googling and moving stuff around to no avail…
What could be the problem dudes??
You need to replace final Context context = view.getContext(); in 2.5.2 to final Context context = view.getRootView().getContext(); it work for me and I finally manage to solve this problem :)
Thank you for sharing your solution. I updated the post.
Still having the same issue, Any resolution?
In 2.5.2 still missed out the “final” before Context context = view.getRootView().getContext();. Without “final” still have the issue, should be like this: final Context context = view.getRootView().getContext();
Me too having this problem. Anyone can help?
Still having a same problem it say cannot resolve method countRecords() at But at is ok because there is public void countRecord there.
change “Context context = view.getRootView().getContext();” into “final Context context = view.getContext();;”
it’s kinda weird, but my solution is
final Context context = v.getContext();
i’m having same issue…any luck finding a solution??
My solution was:
In `` I added this:
`Context c = this;`
and then on `setOnClickListener(…)` I added this `c` context to the OnClickListener constructor.
Don’t forget to create a constructor in the OnClickListener… class to use this.
Then, instead of doign `((MainActivity) context).countRecords();` in the Listener, I’ve just used the parameter received in the constructor.
Maybe this is not the best way of doing it, but at least it works :)
Thank you so much!!! Finished the app. Now time to move to more challenging apps : )
Hi @Emily, Glad your were able to complete our tutorial! Good luck with your apps!
nice blog. excellent post. in this blog stor information of student. in this update, delete,edit perform this opration.
Hi @mayuri, thanks for the kind words!
sir, in my output there is no alert dailog of edit and delete. i need suggestion on it ./Users/apple/Desktop/Screen Shot 2017-07-31 at 12.49.22 PM.png
Wow, such a great tutorial…thank you so much. your code is clearly understandable without creating any mess.
I wrote complete code but still Create function isn’t working
thanks for this tutorial…
Kindly give details about Level4 I am interested to buy
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Muito obrigado pelo tutorial!
Gostei de mais VLW Ninja!
Good tutorial i having a problem 6.1 else and item are highlighted in red
else if (item == 1) {
boolean deleteSuccessful = new TableControllerStudent(context).delete(Integer.parseInt(id));
if (deleteSuccessful){
Toast.makeText(context, “Student record was deleted.”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Toast.makeText(context, “Unable to delete student record.”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
((MainActivity) context).countRecords();
((MainActivity) context).readRecords();
where do i put this code because its refusing to paste it after the first if statement
else if (item == 1) {
boolean deleteSuccessful = new TableControllerStudent(context).delete(Integer.parseInt(id));
if (deleteSuccessful){
Toast.makeText(context, “Student record was deleted.”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Toast.makeText(context, “Unable to delete student record.”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
((MainActivity) context).countRecords();
((MainActivity) context).readRecords();
why does it close the app after I add a record?
Helped Alot! Much Thanks.