Android AutocompleteTextView with Custom Adapter Example
Before this Android AutocompleteTextView with custom adapter example, we made the code on Android AutocompleteTextView with suggestions from SQLite database, that’s really fine and useful, but here’s another problem: What if you want to customize the appearance of the drop-down suggestions? This is where the custom ArrayAdapter will come to the scene. Using this post, […]
Android AutocompleteTextView with Database Data as Suggestions
Our code example for today is about a very useful Android widget called AutocompleteTextView. Specifically, we’ll code an Android AutocompleteTextView with database data as drop-down suggestions. If you’re not yet familiar with AutocompleteTextView, this widget looks like an EditText but shows completion suggestions automatically while the user is typing. The list of suggestions is displayed […]
Fixing Android EditText Lag
Lately I encountered this annoying android EditText lag, each time I try to type a character, it makes me wait for around 1 to 3 seconds before I can type the next character! Now that’s horrible. EditText is not useful. Keyboard looks broken. If you have the same issue, I have a good news for […]
Android ViewHolder Pattern Example
Now we are going to code the smooth scrolling of our Android ListView. In the previous post, we tried to understand how the ListView with adapter works. This time, it will be all about performance. I did this a separate post because Android ListView is difficult to understand at times. What I have in mind […]
Android ListView with Adapter Example
How android ListView with adapter works is not so clear to me until I read this awesome article with code examples of Lucas Rocha: Performance Tips for Android’s ListView. In relation to that, I was inspired again to make a post about android ListView with Adapter, but this one is much more simple than the […]