Here’s a sample code I used when I was tasked to make an Android scroll-able table with static header and column. Please note that this code is not yet fully optimized but it can help you have an idea on how this functionality was coded.
Video Demo
The final output of our code for today!
Code Basis
In order to be successful at something, you have to first visualize it. So here’s a simple visualization of what views will be included in our code.
Code – executes the table layout
package com.example.tablefreezepane; import com.Table.TableMainLayout; import android.os.Bundle; import; public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(new TableMainLayout(this)); } } – used for populating some table data, like the rows and table headers.
package com.Table; public class SampleObject { String header1; String header2; String header3; String header4; String header5; String header6; String header7; String header8; String header9; public SampleObject(String header1, String header2, String header3, String header4, String header5, String header6, String header7, String header8, String header9){ this.header1 = header1; this.header2 = header2; this.header3 = header3; this.header4 = header4; this.header5 = header5; this.header6 = header6; this.header7 = header7; this.header8 = header8; this.header9 = header9; } } – where everything were constructed.
*Custom horizontal and vertical scroll views were used to sync the movement of table scrolling effect.
package com.Table; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import android.content.Context; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.View; import android.widget.HorizontalScrollView; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import android.widget.ScrollView; import android.widget.TableLayout; import android.widget.TableRow; import android.widget.TextView; public class TableMainLayout extends RelativeLayout { public final String TAG = ""; // set the header titles String headers[] = { "Header 1 n multi-lines", "Header 2", "Header 3", "Header 4", "Header 5", "Header 6", "Header 7", "Header 8", "Header 9" }; TableLayout tableA; TableLayout tableB; TableLayout tableC; TableLayout tableD; HorizontalScrollView horizontalScrollViewB; HorizontalScrollView horizontalScrollViewD; ScrollView scrollViewC; ScrollView scrollViewD; Context context; List<SampleObject> sampleObjects = this.sampleObjects(); int headerCellsWidth[] = new int[headers.length]; public TableMainLayout(Context context) { super(context); this.context = context; // initialize the main components (TableLayouts, HorizontalScrollView, ScrollView) this.initComponents(); this.setComponentsId(); this.setScrollViewAndHorizontalScrollViewTag(); // no need to assemble component A, since it is just a table this.horizontalScrollViewB.addView(this.tableB); this.scrollViewC.addView(this.tableC); this.scrollViewD.addView(this.horizontalScrollViewD); this.horizontalScrollViewD.addView(this.tableD); // add the components to be part of the main layout this.addComponentToMainLayout(); this.setBackgroundColor(Color.RED); // add some table rows this.addTableRowToTableA(); this. addTableRowToTableB(); this.resizeHeaderHeight(); this.getTableRowHeaderCellWidth(); this.generateTableC_AndTable_B(); this.resizeBodyTableRowHeight(); } // this is just the sample data List<SampleObject> sampleObjects(){ List<SampleObject> sampleObjects = new ArrayList<SampleObject>(); for(int x=1; x<=20; x++){ SampleObject sampleObject = new SampleObject( "Col 1, Row " + x, "Col 2, Row " + x + " - multi-lines", "Col 3, Row " + x, "Col 4, Row " + x, "Col 5, Row " + x, "Col 6, Row " + x, "Col 7, Row " + x, "Col 8, Row " + x, "Col 9, Row " + x ); sampleObjects.add(sampleObject); } return sampleObjects; } // initalized components private void initComponents(){ this.tableA = new TableLayout(this.context); this.tableB = new TableLayout(this.context); this.tableC = new TableLayout(this.context); this.tableD = new TableLayout(this.context); this.horizontalScrollViewB = new MyHorizontalScrollView(this.context); this.horizontalScrollViewD = new MyHorizontalScrollView(this.context); this.scrollViewC = new MyScrollView(this.context); this.scrollViewD = new MyScrollView(this.context); this.tableA.setBackgroundColor(Color.GREEN); this.horizontalScrollViewB.setBackgroundColor(Color.LTGRAY); } // set essential component IDs private void setComponentsId(){ this.tableA.setId(1); this.horizontalScrollViewB.setId(2); this.scrollViewC.setId(3); this.scrollViewD.setId(4); } // set tags for some horizontal and vertical scroll view private void setScrollViewAndHorizontalScrollViewTag(){ this.horizontalScrollViewB.setTag("horizontal scroll view b"); this.horizontalScrollViewD.setTag("horizontal scroll view d"); this.scrollViewC.setTag("scroll view c"); this.scrollViewD.setTag("scroll view d"); } // we add the components here in our TableMainLayout private void addComponentToMainLayout(){ // RelativeLayout params were very useful here // the addRule method is the key to arrange the components properly RelativeLayout.LayoutParams componentB_Params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); componentB_Params.addRule(RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF, this.tableA.getId()); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams componentC_Params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); componentC_Params.addRule(RelativeLayout.BELOW, this.tableA.getId()); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams componentD_Params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); componentD_Params.addRule(RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF, this.scrollViewC.getId()); componentD_Params.addRule(RelativeLayout.BELOW, this.horizontalScrollViewB.getId()); // 'this' is a relative layout, // we extend this table layout as relative layout as seen during the creation of this class this.addView(this.tableA); this.addView(this.horizontalScrollViewB, componentB_Params); this.addView(this.scrollViewC, componentC_Params); this.addView(this.scrollViewD, componentD_Params); } private void addTableRowToTableA(){ this.tableA.addView(this.componentATableRow()); } private void addTableRowToTableB(){ this.tableB.addView(this.componentBTableRow()); } // generate table row of table A TableRow componentATableRow(){ TableRow componentATableRow = new TableRow(this.context); TextView textView = this.headerTextView(this.headers[0]); componentATableRow.addView(textView); return componentATableRow; } // generate table row of table B TableRow componentBTableRow(){ TableRow componentBTableRow = new TableRow(this.context); int headerFieldCount = this.headers.length; TableRow.LayoutParams params = new TableRow.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT); params.setMargins(2, 0, 0, 0); for(int x=0; x<(headerFieldCount-1); x++){ TextView textView = this.headerTextView(this.headers[x+1]); textView.setLayoutParams(params); componentBTableRow.addView(textView); } return componentBTableRow; } // generate table row of table C and table D private void generateTableC_AndTable_B(){ // just seeing some header cell width for(int x=0; x<this.headerCellsWidth.length; x++){ Log.v("", this.headerCellsWidth[x]+""); } for(SampleObject sampleObject : this.sampleObjects){ TableRow tableRowForTableC = this.tableRowForTableC(sampleObject); TableRow taleRowForTableD = this.taleRowForTableD(sampleObject); tableRowForTableC.setBackgroundColor(Color.LTGRAY); taleRowForTableD.setBackgroundColor(Color.LTGRAY); this.tableC.addView(tableRowForTableC); this.tableD.addView(taleRowForTableD); } } // a TableRow for table C TableRow tableRowForTableC(SampleObject sampleObject){ TableRow.LayoutParams params = new TableRow.LayoutParams( this.headerCellsWidth[0],LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT); params.setMargins(0, 2, 0, 0); TableRow tableRowForTableC = new TableRow(this.context); TextView textView = this.bodyTextView(sampleObject.header1); tableRowForTableC.addView(textView,params); return tableRowForTableC; } TableRow taleRowForTableD(SampleObject sampleObject){ TableRow taleRowForTableD = new TableRow(this.context); int loopCount = ((TableRow)this.tableB.getChildAt(0)).getChildCount(); String info[] = { sampleObject.header2, sampleObject.header3, sampleObject.header4, sampleObject.header5, sampleObject.header6, sampleObject.header7, sampleObject.header8, sampleObject.header9 }; for(int x=0 ; x<loopCount; x++){ TableRow.LayoutParams params = new TableRow.LayoutParams( headerCellsWidth[x+1],LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT); params.setMargins(2, 2, 0, 0); TextView textViewB = this.bodyTextView(info[x]); taleRowForTableD.addView(textViewB,params); } return taleRowForTableD; } // table cell standard TextView TextView bodyTextView(String label){ TextView bodyTextView = new TextView(this.context); bodyTextView.setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE); bodyTextView.setText(label); bodyTextView.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); bodyTextView.setPadding(5, 5, 5, 5); return bodyTextView; } // header standard TextView TextView headerTextView(String label){ TextView headerTextView = new TextView(this.context); headerTextView.setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE); headerTextView.setText(label); headerTextView.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); headerTextView.setPadding(5, 5, 5, 5); return headerTextView; } // resizing TableRow height starts here void resizeHeaderHeight() { TableRow productNameHeaderTableRow = (TableRow) this.tableA.getChildAt(0); TableRow productInfoTableRow = (TableRow) this.tableB.getChildAt(0); int rowAHeight = this.viewHeight(productNameHeaderTableRow); int rowBHeight = this.viewHeight(productInfoTableRow); TableRow tableRow = rowAHeight < rowBHeight ? productNameHeaderTableRow : productInfoTableRow; int finalHeight = rowAHeight > rowBHeight ? rowAHeight : rowBHeight; this.matchLayoutHeight(tableRow, finalHeight); } void getTableRowHeaderCellWidth(){ int tableAChildCount = ((TableRow)this.tableA.getChildAt(0)).getChildCount(); int tableBChildCount = ((TableRow)this.tableB.getChildAt(0)).getChildCount();; for(int x=0; x<(tableAChildCount+tableBChildCount); x++){ if(x==0){ this.headerCellsWidth[x] = this.viewWidth(((TableRow)this.tableA.getChildAt(0)).getChildAt(x)); }else{ this.headerCellsWidth[x] = this.viewWidth(((TableRow)this.tableB.getChildAt(0)).getChildAt(x-1)); } } } // resize body table row height void resizeBodyTableRowHeight(){ int tableC_ChildCount = this.tableC.getChildCount(); for(int x=0; x<tableC_ChildCount; x++){ TableRow productNameHeaderTableRow = (TableRow) this.tableC.getChildAt(x); TableRow productInfoTableRow = (TableRow) this.tableD.getChildAt(x); int rowAHeight = this.viewHeight(productNameHeaderTableRow); int rowBHeight = this.viewHeight(productInfoTableRow); TableRow tableRow = rowAHeight < rowBHeight ? productNameHeaderTableRow : productInfoTableRow; int finalHeight = rowAHeight > rowBHeight ? rowAHeight : rowBHeight; this.matchLayoutHeight(tableRow, finalHeight); } } // match all height in a table row // to make a standard TableRow height private void matchLayoutHeight(TableRow tableRow, int height) { int tableRowChildCount = tableRow.getChildCount(); // if a TableRow has only 1 child if(tableRow.getChildCount()==1){ View view = tableRow.getChildAt(0); TableRow.LayoutParams params = (TableRow.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams(); params.height = height - (params.bottomMargin + params.topMargin); return ; } // if a TableRow has more than 1 child for (int x = 0; x < tableRowChildCount; x++) { View view = tableRow.getChildAt(x); TableRow.LayoutParams params = (TableRow.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams(); if (!isTheHeighestLayout(tableRow, x)) { params.height = height - (params.bottomMargin + params.topMargin); return; } } } // check if the view has the highest height in a TableRow private boolean isTheHeighestLayout(TableRow tableRow, int layoutPosition) { int tableRowChildCount = tableRow.getChildCount(); int heighestViewPosition = -1; int viewHeight = 0; for (int x = 0; x < tableRowChildCount; x++) { View view = tableRow.getChildAt(x); int height = this.viewHeight(view); if (viewHeight < height) { heighestViewPosition = x; viewHeight = height; } } return heighestViewPosition == layoutPosition; } // read a view's height private int viewHeight(View view) { view.measure(View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED); return view.getMeasuredHeight(); } // read a view's width private int viewWidth(View view) { view.measure(View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED); return view.getMeasuredWidth(); } // horizontal scroll view custom class class MyHorizontalScrollView extends HorizontalScrollView{ public MyHorizontalScrollView(Context context) { super(context); } @Override protected void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt) { String tag = (String) this.getTag(); if(tag.equalsIgnoreCase("horizontal scroll view b")){ horizontalScrollViewD.scrollTo(l, 0); }else{ horizontalScrollViewB.scrollTo(l, 0); } } } // scroll view custom class class MyScrollView extends ScrollView{ public MyScrollView(Context context) { super(context); } @Override protected void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt) { String tag = (String) this.getTag(); if(tag.equalsIgnoreCase("scroll view c")){ scrollViewD.scrollTo(0, t); }else{ scrollViewC.scrollTo(0,t); } } } }
You can share your thoughts (in the comments section below) about this scroll-able android TableLayout with fixed header and column code!
Thanks for reading this Android Table Scroll with Fixed Header and Column!
56 responses to “Android Table Scroll with Fixed Header and Column”
It’s a great tutorial but it has a limitation. It only works with n by n matrix. I think it is because the function
void resizeBodyTableRowHeight() function.
Thank you very much your component is great and helped me a lot was nearly crazy trying to implement this.
You’re welcome @972e59aa0a96c8307249f6fc072d921b:disqus, glad it helped you!
Great job.
Great job.
Only works with n x n tables!
Still a great job!
Thanks @disqus_8JuXjeXsj8:disqus!
Hello, Liked congratulations on your component, but I wonder if it would be possible to demonstrate in what TextView (or line) is the focus (selected) as well as nro. line to know which object is selected. Grateful.
Hi @972e59aa0a96c8307249f6fc072d921b:disqus,, I think you have to keep track of each cell (like setting a tag on a view) during the loop and assign a click listener so it can return what table cell was selected.
Nice job!
I new in Android, just a question about the app, is it possible to scroll in diagonal direction? Now it scrolls horizontally or vertically.
Thanks @Fran! I think that’s not possible with our code above. Why would you want to do that anyway? :D
One question: did you use RelativeLayout instead of LinearLayout for any reason? Thanks
HI @Fran, it works for me, but if LinearLayout works for you, it’s fine too. If LinearLayout is better, you can also send your code to me and add it to the post.. thanks!
Hi, thanks for this wonderful work. I am quite new in Android. I found all the works you have done in class file. Do you have a code where layout was designed in XML instead of java code?
activity_main.xml (under layout)
Thanks for the tip @rudreshrocks!
hey thankx…it was usefull to me..
Hello @disqus_WDMwzSP7wX:disqus, I’m glad this code helped you with your task. :D
Hey, great job, great example! Helped me a lot… One question. I need first column to be fixed (only left side), whithout headers at the top. How can I change the code…?
how do I add a new column in Table A and respectively generating results in Table C.
Changed – if(viewHeight < height) to if(viewHeight = 2, width is changed other than header 3. Great Tut ! Great Site !
Hello @bitShift, thanks for the tip and compliment!
this is a great tut but your layout xml is missing. could you pls put it online?
Thank you very much bro :) nice tutorial
You’re welcome bro! I’m glad you found this nice!
Hi Mike!
I’m trying to download the project, but site has a problem..
Connection error: SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘codeofaninja’@’’ (using password: YES)
Fatal error: Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object in /home/content/73/11827973/html/000WEBSITES/download-coan/objects/blog_post.php on line 91
Hello @jorgemitsumassanakagawa:disqus, issue is not fixed, thanks for your concern!
Hey, great tutorial.
How can i fix a new row as header when scrolling down?
Help would be apreciated!
its Great Tutorial.
but i am facing issue in 2nd of column data 1st cell is not showing properly i am not getting any solution
can you please look on this.
How can move two different horizontal layouts (that i make in xml) with one touch input in android studio plzz reply
Hi @J, You have to play around with scrollTo() method of scroll views.
Hi Mike ,
I need to add header at run time,Please suggest some ideas? for eg: header will have vehicle name ,column 1 will have date, row will be speed.
Hey Mike, I came across your tutorial (awesome tutorial by the way) and as a beginner I have no idea how to follow the layout design to get the tables to display. When I run the code in the tutorial it displays “Hello World” not the table output. I’m doing something wrong but I have no idea what. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Never mind I got it to work thanks for the tutorial!
You’re welcome @Demetrius! Would you share how you made it work?
Hi @Demetrius, thanks for the kind words! Please make sure you imported the code correctly and supply the needed dependencies.
I forgot to change,
setContentView(new TableMainLayout(this));
So I it was showing the view of the activity_main.xml and not the table layout that you created. I think that was what my issue was after I changed that it worked!
how to set dynamic values in the table rows and column
Hi, I am new of android. In your code You used setId(1) in setComponentId() but for me it is showing error like this “expected resource of type id”. Can You tell me please what is the problem
Its working , thanks and great job, Helped me a lot
How to change SampleObject with data from dtatabase.. ?
Help me please 😁
hi well this is good Demo.
But Can you clear me how to fill data from api in each shell and row is fix according to Api response
Thanks for a great Tutorial…Very Useful.
I want to connect with json or mysql. Can u plzzz help me how i can implement this code
Thank u so much for upload this app its very usefull for me
How can I implement this in a fragment with AsynTask OnCreate I want to call the AsynTask to fetch data from the server and the create these table View please help
How do I adjust the width of columns and rows according to the longest component?
If the column width is larger, the row width will follow the column.
If the row width is larger, the column width will follow the row.
Hi, Mike.
What should I have to modify to make header1 and header2 fixed both?
I read you code and found it to be helpful. I was just wondering where I can find the activity_main.xml file since that where I would find the how to set up the layout. Can this be downloaded somewhere?
Thank You
Hello, where can i find the download link
How can we display it in a fragment?
i am new on android, i want to learn about how to do it with data from a json url please
you use for Activity
setContentView(new TableMainLayout(this));
What if i use fragment then? any solutions
Can you please share the xml file (which you have written by code) so that it would be clear to understand how it is actually structured. This file I am referring to is “”. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful code. Loved a lot!
It’s really amazing dude. It helps me to create a app. I used my excel data to show in a app.
it isn’t possible to do that in xml?
it is very nice code but i want to use with Sql server Database