Android Intents Tutorial to Share Your Social Media Links
The following Android intents tutorial will help increase your app’s Facebook likes or twitter followers. Almost every app has their own social media accounts or links that you can like, follow, +1, or even send an email to. There’s always an app that can connect you to that product or service. Now, from that app, […]
Fixed: Android Dependencies – Missing facebooksdk.jar
Recently I was working with the Facebook SDK for Android and found the error: Android Dependencies – Missing facebooksdk.jar. My project was unable to run and the eclipse console or logcat does not give a clear description of the error. But it can be seen […]
Introducing The Code Of A Ninja’s Android App (Beta)
Introducing our favorite programming blog’s android app! For the past few days, I have some spare time to code this. Now you guys can browse our blog instantly in your Android phone or tablet. To download this free app, go to your Google Play store and then search using the keywords “code blog by mike […]
Ways to Create a Splash Screen for Android App
Today we’re going to create a splash screen for your Android app. A splash screen is usually an image or a view that appears to the user while the app is loading, it is also a way to make your brand or logo easier to be recognize by the user. Some android apps that uses […]