Tag: product

  • How To Display Facebook EVENTS on Android App? Step By Step Guide!

    How To Display Facebook EVENTS on Android App? Step By Step Guide!

    Some people, organizations or companies make their Android mobile app like their website. This is where any information about them is published or displayed. You can read more about the app for 365 at omparethebets.com. Most of these entities have a Facebook page. They have created events on that Facebook page. Do you do this? […]

  • Android Bluetooth Printing Example Code with Actual Printer Device

    Android Bluetooth Printing Example Code with Actual Printer Device

    Recently, I was asked to make a program for printing some data to a small or handheld Bluetooth printer device. This can be used for printing receipts, simple tickets, or customer notes. I like how it works because usually, we are getting our program output on a computer screen. But this time we are getting […]

  • Android SQLite Database CRUD Tutorial with Example Application

    Android SQLite Database CRUD Tutorial with Example Application

    This is a step by step android CRUD tutorial where we’ll create an Android application that demonstrates Android’s SQLite database capabilities. Operations such as create, read, update and delete (CRUD) in Android is an essential skill every aspiring Android developer must have. In this post, we will cover the following contents: