Category: Android

  • How to Create a Compass in Android Code – Tutorial and Source Code

    Today I’m going to share a very simple compass in android code that you can use whenever you are creating an application with a compass feature. It’s good to see the most devices nowadays has a motion sensor capability to make a compass run. Unfortunately, there are still some android devices (like Huawei Y300 and […]

  • Introducing The Code Of A Ninja’s Android App (Beta)

    Introducing our favorite programming blog’s android app! For the past few days, I have some spare time to code this. Now you guys can browse our blog instantly in your Android phone or tablet. To download this free app, go to your Google Play store and then search using the keywords “code blog by mike […]

  • Android Notification with Sound and Icon Tutorial

    My app needed a simple Android notification with sound and icon. So here’s the code I used to make that happen. I know that there are many other types of notification in Android, but this time, I just want to show you a very simple code that can be a solution to your problem too! […]

  • Android Date Picker Example App

    I have a friend who often asks: “What day of the week is [insert date here]?” So I decided to create a simple app for him to easily know what day of the week is a certain date. After I made this simple app, I also find it fun to use, haha! Now I know […]

  • Android Table Scroll with Fixed Header and Column

    Here’s a sample code I used when I was tasked to make an Android scroll-able table with static header and column. Please note that this code is not yet fully optimized but it can help you have an idea on how this functionality was coded. Video Demo The final output of our code for today! […]

  • How to Install Android Development Environment

    A lot has been changed since I wrote this post: Getting Started with Google Android Development. I’m not going to remove that page but I rather keep it as an archive about how Android development environment installation was done before. Installing the Android development environment was a lot easier nowadays, thanks Google! I’m not sure […]

  • Who are the Developers of Android?

    Android powered devices like mobile phones, tablet computers and home appliances are everywhere nowadays. It is a delight for us to experience a high technology which is less expensive, more powerful and efficient. You know what Android is, you might be grateful, and now you are asking… “Who are the developers of Android?” Android growth […]

  • How to Send Data From Android to PHP Server? Android Post Request Help

    Hi guys! Today we are going to code on how to send data from Android to PHP server. This is an example app that can post a file and text data to a web server with PHP file as a receiver. Having the ability to (do HTTP Post Request) post data from android app to […]